Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cruel and degrading hypocricy

Cruel and degrading hypocricy

Rape slavery, torture and forced marriage. Lies are like missiles. Do or die force. Things you would never do in a million years, your forced to do or die. You want to stay alive, so you do it or die. Forced and manipulated here and there. What did you do that for? You dont deny being in a place or that it was you there. You do deny the lies and slander about it. The most unwilling rape victim of all.
Then they turn around and falsely accuse you of being 'willing'. Of consenting to torture. No one gave up being tortured. Cruelty in the extreme. Things the New Zealand government have signed with the UN, as things they would try and prevent or punish. This does not mean, blame the victims punish the victims. This does not mean to cover up for corrupt government workers.
The Privacy commission ask, what do you want the enemies to do. I say just stop doing it. Stop the lies and slander, threats and propaganda. Let people get on with their lives. Whats left of their lives now. Those who do this are like Hitler and Stalin. You dont qualify for human rights, past being used for child porn. Your just a wanna be human being. No one is willing to be raped, enslaved, tortured and lied about. The minute you get the right to say NO, thats what you do. No one should be surprised by that. Wanting to stay alive is not crazy or a crime.
Telling the truth is not a conspiracy theory. The war between truth and presume. Being kidnapped and put in a certain place, for others to presume things that are not true. Manipulation of perceptions by the enemy. More weapons they use against you and others. The laws are all wrong. Its those who use force, who manipulate and distort the perceptions of others who are guilty and should be charged. The current laws seem to blame everyone except them.
Government files are full of lies and slander. To dehumanize the victims. Distort them into the dirt. Falsely accuse them of being 'willing' to be raped, enslaved, tortured and forced into marriage to cover it up. Wake up. Some things are not as they may appear to be.

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